Our practice hosts the following services and clinics:
To attend one of these clinics please ring our reception on 01277 212820.
General Medical Services
Essential Clinical Services
Routine and acute health problems, treatment and management including referring to Secondary Care (Hospitals) and/or other healthcare professionals as required.
Additional Clinical Services
Maternity services, vaccinations and immunisations, child health surveillance, national programme of cervical screening, routine minor surgery, routine contraceptive services.
Nationally Specified Enhanced Services
Childhood vaccination and immunisations, flu vaccinations for over 65s and other 'at risk' groups.
National Enhanced Services
Intra-uterine (coil) device/ Implanon fitting and minor injury treatment.
The following clinics are available by appointment:
Minor Surgery
We offer minor surgery such as removal of cysts, ingrowing toenails etc. in our treatment room. Contact the surgery for an appointment to discuss.
Family Planning
We provide a full range of contraceptive services, including fitting coils & implant. Please make an appointment with a GP to discuss your needs.
Child Immunisations
To book in for your child’s immunisations please call the surgery, we do not run special clinics for this anymore.
Parents are reminded to bring in the child’s immunisation record book on each occasion a vaccination is required. Without this record the injection will not be given.
Diabetic Clinic
A nurse-led clinic providing advice and help for patients with diabetes.
Asthma/COPD (respiratory) Clinic
A nurse-led clinic providing advice and help for patients with asthma or COPD.
Cervical Screening
Cervical smears are performed at the surgery as part of the nationwide screening programme for all eligible and appropriate women. Smears can identify warning signs of cancer around five to ten years before aggressive cancer develops; a smear is not looking for the cancer itself. Screening therefore reduces your chance of developing later cancer of the cervix.
VitaMinds is your local NHS talking therapies service, known as IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies). It is a free service. VitaMinds can help support you and provide you with the tools you need to get things back on track. Please call them on 01268 977 171. Opening times are Monday to Friday 8.00am to 8.00pm and Saturday 9.30am to 12.30pm or you can go to the website which is www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk/nhs-services/nhs-mental-health/basildon-and-brentwood/accessing-the-service.
MSK Service
Joint Pain? You can Self Refer to the MSK Team there is no need to make an appointment with your GP. To contact the referral management team please call Monday to Friday between 8.30am to 5.00pm on 01268 904102. The South West Essex Musculoskeletal Service provides services for patients (aged 14 and over for physiotherapy, 16 and over for specialist MSK clinics) who need treatment for conditions affecting their musculoskeletal system - bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and other soft tissues.
Medical Certificates
Read more about requesting a Medical Certificate.
Non NHS Services
Find out more about the Non-NHS services available at the practice.
Social Prescribing
Visit our Social Prescribing page for more information about this service.